Tag: free wordpress hosting

  • Set DNS type A record

    DNS has different types of record types that can be set to refer to the hosting server, connect URL with IP, add acme record as TXT for SSL certificates and many more. In order to set the record go to profile and locate the Control Panel setting, control panel has the IP of the server…

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  • WordPress blog url

    People intrigue with the url structure, how to create a good wordpress blog url. Creating a good url is very simple and wordpress already has lots of good options, we just need to look for the options. WordPress lets you create below types of URLS: Plain https://domain.name/?p=123 – With this pattern the blog creator has…

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  • How to host wordpress site and blogs

    As well known in the market wordpress is a known CMS software with rich GUI, Plugins, SEO and support for multiple technologies through scripts and plugins. How to create a good looking UI for the website. Great UI is really the crowd puller so a website owner must think to produce a great UI with…

    Read more: How to host wordpress site and blogs
  • Hello Enthusiasts!

    Welcome to HostingOnCloud.in, here you can check solutions to your issues, ask questions and help others by answering their questions. Please use HostingCloud9 for new hosting user creation. Keep supporting us, post comments on Quora, X (Twitter) and follow the ads if you have to. Happy hosting. T&C : No offensive content is allowed on…

    Read more: Hello Enthusiasts!

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